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Fabrizio Ferro: the beating heart of Ferro Gioielli

Fabrizio Ferro is the beating heart of Ferro Gioielli who has been able to transform a family passion into a timeless profession. A pioneer always in step with the times, with the gift of knowing how to grasp the desires, needs and dreams of his loyal customers, allowing each of us to transform an idea into reality.

Today we get to know him better...

Fabrizio, can you tell us how your passion for the world of jewelry and watches was born?

"Among my childhood memories, I have imprinted in my mind the image of our entire family gathered in the shop. It was natural to find Mom and Dad waiting for me here after school. Once we went to school on foot, both in summer and winter, and after finishing our homework we would meet in front of the house to play soccer with friends from the neighborhood. I was often in the shop where friends and customers passed by. For me, these walls are a second home, a familiar place. It was precisely this familiarity that fueled my curiosity about the products sold and the mastery that my father Nereo Ferro had in repairing the watches that customers left in his care.

What path of studies and experiences did you undertake to become an expert?

After an initial youthful period in the family workshop at 19 I moved to Valenza Po' (AL), the undisputed home of jewelry. I gained experience in a laboratory where important jewels took shape. In the following years I undertook Gemmological studies at the International Gemmological Institute based in Antwerp, Belgium, obtaining the diploma of certified Gemmologist. Then the passion took me into the world of appraisals where, in close contact with European illustrious figures, I learned a lot about the world of Haute Horlogerie and about jewelry from various eras and styles. Furthermore, the many trips abroad, especially to Africa, have consolidated me ethically and on a personal level

What are the three things you love most about your job?

I love being in contact with the beauty of jewelry and watches. I see rare gems and top-quality watches every day: it is a joy to look at. I also love the contact with each of our customers, who often become a friend with whom to exchange opinions on the products. Finally, I like knowing that our Company , founded in 1954, has always grown commercially and is always in step with the times also thanks to the new generations that are being formed for a further metamorphosis.

And the 3 things you like least or that you would like to improve?

I like a little less the pressing competition of some Market-places, which tend to devalue some products by copying their shapes but not guaranteeing the same quality, relying on marketing and price alone for their appeal.

The market is lately paying for the incompetence of some private individuals scattered throughout Italy who improvise as traders, especially in the world of luxury, not having the right professionalism and preparation. Many are putting on the market products that are partly non-original or counterfeit. Buying from a friend of a friend generates in the final buyer a thought of saving money, many times it turns out to be a real "blunder" that usually comes to light after several years and is no longer contestable

What advice would you give to a young person who wants to take up this profession?

It is wonderful to be a goldsmith and watch expert. It is demanding, both for the great training that these years require, and for the huge continuous investments, necessary to start and maintain an offer that must be targeted to the typical clientele. But it is worth it.

Our work has become more and more specialized, so there are really many opportunities to be seized. Just think of the creation of jewelry, once the jewel was created following sketches, now the computer has really revolutionized the sector. It is wonderful to perpetuate an archaic art with the help of technology.

I recommend it to anyone who loves this world.

Thanks Fabrizio. One last question: what values ​​do you aim to pass on to your children, professionally speaking?

Undoubtedly the work ethic, the commitment, the consistency, the importance of training. But, above all, the heart and love for this very special job.