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The Weight of Gold and Passing Fashions

How much do fashions influence the value of gold? In an era in which the most disparate passing fashions live as protagonists, even the jewelry and goldsmith sector are positively and negatively affected by the media phenomena of the moment. Bracelets, earrings, rings , pendants of all kinds and composed of various metals and alloys, are advertised and purchased in large numbers. But who will get all this product? Have we ever stopped to think about who will inherit the jewelry we buy today? Today we are here to reflect on it together. If our grandparents were able to fill their drawers with high-quality pieces, it is mainly due to the less marketing-oriented mentality of their time: as we know, before the advent of TV, social media and especially advertising, attention was paid almost exclusively to the value of the materials with which the jewels were created. Gold was then the clear master of all other metals. Real investments were made in it, capable of leaving us with perhaps fewer jewels in the house, but certainly of greater value. Read the article: A journey along the Gold Road in Africa In modern times, however, the proportions have become increasingly reversed. It is important to note the material that the most sold jewels today are made of. See for example the very famous bracelets and modular charms or the jewels promoted by various other brands: created with silver or steel, in addition to precious stones and glass. All materials of the highest quality, certainly, but not even remotely comparable to gold! Furthermore, the cost of a jewel in silver or steel is often the same as a gold one. The difference lies in the quality: even if the silver and steel used to create our accessories are of the highest quality, they still weigh significantly less than gold. In the future, when our assets become the inheritance of our children and grandchildren, the investments made now will no longer have the value they have today and our drawers will be filled only with hardware. In times of economic crisis, in my opinion, this factor should not be underestimated! If we left aside passing fads and focused on lasting quality, we would allow our children to enjoy the same benefits we have had: gold jewelry, inherited from grandparents or parents, of the highest quality and with a value (not only emotional!) that grows with the passing of the years, instead of fading over time. Obviously, nothing prevents us from wearing jewelry and accessories that keep up with the latest trends, whether they are made of silver or other materials. It is a whim that is good to indulge in every now and then. But it is also important, in my opinion, to stop and think every now and then: investing in a gold jewel may seem less fashionable than adding a charm to our bracelet, but it is certainly more advantageous in the long run, for us and for our families! Fashions, said Yves Saint Laurent, pass. Quality, however, remains.
By Olga Navarin https://www.instagram.com/olga.navarin https://olganavarin.wordpress.com