Wedding Anniversary Names. Discover the complete list
The names of wedding anniversaries reveal a process of transformation of the love bond that, as in a sort of alchemical journey, attributes changing meanings to the relationship. Do you already know all the names of wedding anniversaries? Discover the complete list and the recommended precious gifts.
From 1 to 5. The lightness of a bond yet to be built
The first wedding anniversary is represented by the paper wedding , which symbolizes the lightheartedness and carefree nature of a recently sealed bond. The ideal gift is a watch , a sign of a union that does not fade with the years. The attribute of freshness also characterizes the entrance into the second year , that of the cotton wedding , while it is in the following year that the foundations are laid for a relationship that begins to be flexible and resistant, like leather . Next comes linen, which, combining naturalness and vigor, opens the way to wood , a sturdy emblem of the fifth wedding anniversary .
From 6 to 10. A crescendo of stability and durability
Next we find iron , the personification of strength and tenacity. The seventh anniversary , called wool or copper , refers to a real turning point, the return to the essentiality of things. But beware of superstition: the number seven is also considered the year of crisis. It is once the bronze (8) and ceramic (9) wedding anniversary has arrived that the relationship has become stable and has taken shape. And here we are finally at 10, the first number. "round". The gift indicated for the anniversary of aluminum or tin is the diamond. Discover the meanings and symbols of the diamond .
Names from 15 to 75. The most important wedding anniversaries
From the 15th to the 75th anniversary, anniversaries become real milestones. Let's proceed by highlighting the most important wedding anniversary names :
- 15th anniversary: crystal wedding . Beautiful but fragile, it is a milestone that must be handled with care . As with paper weddings, even on this occasion it is appreciated to give or receive a wristwatch as a gift.
- 20th Anniversary: Porcelain Wedding. To preserve the marriage, it is necessary to nourish it, taking care of each other's needs. On such a delicate occasion, it is advisable to give platinum jewelry , shiny and resistant to wear.
- 25th Anniversary: Silver Wedding . It is one of the most significant anniversaries and designates the triumph of unity. The perfect gift consists of jewelry and utensils in the symbolic material, silver .
- 30th Anniversary: Pearl Wedding . A rare and therefore very precious event. You can't help but pay homage to it with a diamond.
- 35th Anniversary: Coral Wedding . Another unique anniversary, like the precious substance from which it takes its name.
- 40th Anniversary: Ruby Wedding. Unrepeatable, as much as the stone that represents it.
- 45th Anniversary: Sapphire Wedding . As sought after and unmatched as the previous one.
- 50th Anniversary: Golden Wedding . The milestone that every couple dreams of cutting is based on the most desired precious metal of all. It is gold: radiant like the promise that, after half a century, is renewed.
Wedding Anniversary Names. Discover the complete list
The list doesn't end here. The 55th and 60th anniversary are inspired by diamonds and emeralds respectively. Then come the stone, titanium and platinum anniversaries : nothing will be able to dent the couple's long journey.